Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Work Ethic by the Numbers

If the number of a candidate's campaign events is any indication of work ethic, these figures are telling.

No. of Events Held by Each Candidate since January 2007

1. Mitt Romney- 493 events

2. John Edwards- 443 events

3. John McCain- 401 events

4. Barack Obama- 398 events

5. Bill Richardson- 393 events

6. Hillary Clinton- 368 events

7. Rudy Giuliani- 266 events

8. Mike Huckabee- 257 events

9. Fred Thompson- 74 events (projection: 222)

10. Ron Paul- 113 events

It seems Romney has exceeded the number of the next Republican candidate's events by nearly 25% and Rudy Guiliani's events by nearly 100%. Can we say that Romney is the hardest working candidate in the campaign? Hmm.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Very interesting Elephant. Romney is a machine. What is up with Guiliani and Thompson? I think that goes a long way to showing why Romney is doing well in States where all that work is paying off. I do have to give Hillary and Barrack Obama credit for also doing some work in the Senate and still managing to turn in respectable numbers.