Monday, November 26, 2007

Reply to "Former Press Secretary Confirms Bush Involved in Criminal Conspiracy"


Being a law student, I thought you would be the first to embrace a central tenant of our criminal justice system--innocent until proven guilty. Certainly Mr. McClellan is not a judge and jury, and if you had read his words carefully, you would have noticed that he has not incriminated our President--only the press has done that.

In fact, the publisher says the book won't say President Bush deliberately lied. I think that's a fair statement against our leftist, even slanderous, news media.

Having said that, I believe there should always be investigations into any allegation of wrongdoing in the White House, and if enough evidence is discovered to indict our President or his aides, then they should be held accountable. But as of now, I have seen no indictment, and I have seen no judge and jury. Let's not throw stones until the justice system gives us a right to do so.

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