Dear Elephant-
Now I know that amongst you and your fellow Elephants Ronald Reagan is the King of the jungle, but recently commentators have criticized Reagan for his use of race politics to attract white southern voters. Reagan and other Republican leaders may not themselves be racist, but is their party?
An editorial in today's NY Times suggests that Republican strategy may be to support policies which attract white southern voters, many of whom are against expansion of rights for minority groups. Whether it be opposing the civil rights movement or taking a hard line against undocumented workers, i.e. "send them all back" or "build a wall," it sure seems like the Republican party is always against (or at least indifferent to) the needs and rights of diverse groups.
Another recent example is the Republican presidential candidates opting to flat out skip a debate focused on minority issues. As the linked article quotes one commentator as asking, "What does it say when you don't think that black issues and brown issues and issues for red and yellow -- what does it say when you don't think that all of us are valuable in this process?"
Good question.
It's hard for to believe that a few anecdotal experiences such as "missing a debate on minority issues" is enough to call an entire party racist. And the fact that most Republicans (and Democrats, mind you) want to build a wall at the border doesn't mean we don't like latinos. That's absurd. The reality is that the overwhelming majority in this country want to put a stop to illegal immigration for one reason--it's illegal! In this country we don't reward crime, and coming to this country illegally is a crime. I say build the wall and force our friends to the south to come here legally, which I personally embrace. In the meantime, don't give them licenses, jobs, and tuition breaks to reward them for breaking the law. Those policies are unbelievably troubling.
If the Republicans who are so strongly opposed to the illegality of immigration would support a plan or policy that actually included a way for workers from Mexico to come to the US legally, then your argument would be a good one. The problem is people hide behind that word "illegal" and use it to mask their real position which is they don't want their "friends to the south" to come here at all. That is why I actually supported the George Bush plan on immigration, because it provided a path towards citizenship, i.e. a way for immigrants to come legally. Unfortunately most other leaders in Bush's party derided the plan as "amnesty" and instead simply want to build a wall, which does nothing to solve the problem. It is simply political rhetoric, a symbol, deftly used by politicians to play on the fears and racism of voters. Much the same way Reagan and others did with southern whites.
I do want to be clear, I am not saying that you, little Elephant don't like Latinos, or that all Republicans are racist. I'm asserting that your party exploits the feelings of those who are racist for its own political gain. And that is what is truly troubling.
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