Sir Elephant-
I apologize if I misstated your previous argument. As to your brilliant hypothetical, I have no doubt that the death penalty deters murder, but does it deter more murder than life in prison? I am not convinced that the answer to that question is yes, even in your hypothetical. And statistical analysis on that very question is at best inconclusive. Moreover there are many other cases or hypotheticals where the answer is most likely no. Such as the story of Baby Jane.
Second, if in fact the death penalty does have a greater deterrent effect, shouldn't we apply that punishment to criminals convicted of other crimes? Child Molesters, rapists? What about non-sexual child abuse or kidnapping? Aren't we equally concerned with obtaining additional deterrence of those crimes? Now that I think about it, you have found the perfect Republican solution to the immigration problem. You should run on this Elephant, I really think you could win the nomination. If you think the Republican base gets excited about building a wall, wait until they hear this. After all, the immigrants are here ILLEGALLY.
But I digress. The reason why the death penalty is more vengeful and unforgiving than life in prison is because justice is the primary rationale for choosing to execute prisoners. As you state in your previous post, "that's the punishment that we as a society have determined that justice demands." But other punishments such as life in prison have different primary rationales behind them, such as protection, reformation, and deterrence. That is why the penalty of life in prison is not necessarily more vengeful than the penalty of 6 months in prison. We lock people away for life because they are dangerous, and because a penalty of 6 months in prison would not achieve the goals of protection and deterrence. But we execute people because they deserve it, not because life in prison does not deter murder or protect society from the murderer.
Now you can point to studies that may show the death penalty deters more murder, but at bottom that is not the reason why you or anyone else supports capital punishment. You support it because you feel justice demands it. You are outraged when you hear stories like that of Baby Jane. Those murderers do not deserve to live. I understand that position as I have often had similar feelings myself. But I do not see that position as consistent with the spirit of forgiveness. A spirit exemplified by the good people of this country, and a spirit that should be embodied in the policies of this great nation. We should set an example for the rest of the world. We should be "a city upon a hill" or "a model of christian charity." As Winthrop said in that famous speech, we should "love mercy." By doing so we light a higher path, affirming the morals and faith which make up the fabric of our country.
Peace, Love, & Life,
1 comment:
Look at the Dimmycrat playing the God card. Who does he think he is, Mike Huckabee?
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